9:00-12:00 am (CET), Mar. 16th, 2021
A workshop on the topic of materials for disinfection will be held online in the afternoon of Mar. 16th, 2021, with support from Stockholm Material Hub. The aim of this workshop is to 1) Introducing current expertise and infrastructure on disinfection and filtration in SMH; 2) Presenting experience from outside researchers about disinfection and development of techniques for detecting COVID-19 virus in air; 3) Presenting the industrial and sociality demands on disinfection for ventilation system.
This workshop would be an open webinar with no registration fee required. Welcome to join!
Zoom link:
Meeting room: 660 5670 0519
Password: 20210316
9:00-9:05 Prof. James Shen, Stockholm University
Opening speech
9:05-9:35 Prof. Jiayin Yuan, Stockholm University
Developing novel materials for surface disinfection of SARS-COV-2 virus
9:35-10:05 Prof. Georgios Sotiriou, Karolinska Institute
Aerosol deposition of antimicrobial nanostructured coatings
10:05-10:35 Mrs. Kaihong Wang Hallström, Scaninnov Academy AB
High-efficiency air disinfection prevention and control technology
10:35-10:55 Coffee break
10:55-11:25 Prof. Feng Yan, Soochow University (China)
Synthesis of poly(ionic liquid)s for antibacterial applications
11:25-11:55 Prof. James Shen, Stockholm University
Porous materials for fine filtration of nanoparticles and virus
11:55-12:00 Prof. Jiayin Yuan, Stockholm University
Closing remarks