New instruments/platforms new possibilities
CEM4MAT infrastructure workshop – hybrid meeting
When: 10 November 2021; kl 14:00-16:50
Where: Physical meeting: F3, KTH and zoom
Registration to physical meeting, last day 2021-11-03, use link below
Registration to get a zoom link, last day 2021-11-10, use link below
Link to registration:
The zoom meeting will be recorded for internal usage.
Chair person: Torbjörn Pettersson KTH,
14:00-14:10 Welcome and presentation of CEM4MAT; Gunnar Svensson SU
14:10-14:30 New instruments: New SEM instrument and the soft matter facility at EMC; Kjell Jansson and Anumol Ashok SU,
14:30-14:40 Possible new instruments: Atomic probe tomography at KTH; Alexander Dahlström KTH
14:40-14:50 New instruments: New FIB at Uppsala; Fredric Ericson UU on zoom
14:50-15:05 Overview of modelling possibilities; Jan Rusz UU on zoom
20 minutes Coffee break – refreshments will be served
15:25-15:40 RSEM - Resource Center for Coordination of Electron Microscopy at KTH; Anastasia Riazanova, KTH 15 min;
15:40-15:50 Electron Microscopy Competences within Treesearch Research Infrastructure; Anastasia Riazanova, KTH;
15:50-16:10 ARTEMI national infrastructure; Per Persson, LiU
16:10-16:20 ARTEMI – module: Crystallography - structure & phase analysis by 3D & 4D electron diffraction and imaging; Xiaodong Zou SU,
16:20-16:30 ARTEMI – module: Physics and spectroscopy –physical particles & magnetic properties of individual atoms; Klaus Leifer UU,
16:30-16:45 New EM related instruments at Swerim; Fredrik Gustavsson Swerim, on zoom
16:45-16:50 Concluding remarks, Gunnar Svensson SU
CEM4MAT team
Further information contact:
- Anastasia Riazanova, e-mail: [email protected], tel: 070-464 94 86
- Gunnar Svensson, e-mail: [email protected], tel: 070-5688361
Last day of registration for meeting on place (zoom): 2021-11-03 (2021-11-10).